Installation Project Management
KbPort™ Professional Services is a team of experts in medicine, IT, and facility operations dedicated to simulation-based healthcare education. The team offers extensive experience in the design, creation, and management of healthcare simulation facilities and programs both nationally and internationally. Whether your organization is just starting a simulation-based training program or looking to upgrade or expand an existing program, KbPort™ Professional Services can assist with every step of the process. The KbPort™ Professional Services team will work closely with clients to ensure their facilities are custom-built to meet the needs of their organizations. To this end, KbPort™ offers the following types of facility-oriented services:
Level One Consulting: Program Analysis
- Identify current and future simulation training needs with questionnaires and meetings customized for clients and affiliates
- Evaluate current simulation-based educational efforts
- Assess internal educational efforts and support systems
- Suggest groupings of target audiences for simulation-based training and their particular facility and educational needs
- Align educational delivery with standards you choose from your organization, professional associations, and oversight bodies
- Offer design advice relevant to potential future program expansion involving the integration of simulation strategies
Level Two Consulting: Design
- Draft initial and final facility designs, room specifications, and logistics requirements
- Coordinate with architects, contractors, and facility planners to ensure all designs reflect educational criteria for the facility
- Deliver customized reports that will include recommendations on: Simulation equipment, Medical equipment, Audio / Visual (AV) equipment and IT
- Information Technology (IT) software and related equipment
Level Three Consulting: Build Out
- Integrate plans for installation of subsystems such as A/V, simulators, learning management systems, and coordinate with all suppliers
- Furnish step-by-step status reports to stakeholders, and manage any agreed change orders during entire construction process
- Walk-through construction completion inspections with client, and document contractor performance to design specifications

KbPort™ Professional Services is a team of experts in medicine, IT, and facility operations dedicated to simulation-based healthcare education. The team offers extensive experience in the design, creation, and management of healthcare simulation facilities and programs both nationally and internationally. Whether your organization is just starting a simulation-based training program or looking to upgrade or expand an existing program, KbPort™ Professional Services can assist with every step of the process. The KbPort™ Professional Services team will work closely with clients to ensure their facilities are custom-built to meet the needs of their organizations. To this end, KbPort™ offers the following types of facility-oriented services:

Level One Consulting: Program Analysis
- Identify current and future simulation training needs with questionnaires and meetings customized for clients and affiliates
- Evaluate current simulation-based educational efforts
- Assess internal educational efforts and support systems
- Suggest groupings of target audiences for simulation-based training and their particular facility and educational needs
- Align educational delivery with standards you choose from your organization, professional associations, and oversight bodies
- Offer design advice relevant to potential future program expansion involving the integration of simulation strategies
Level Two Consulting: Design
- Draft initial and final facility designs, room specifications, and logistics requirements
- Coordinate with architects, contractors, and facility planners to ensure all designs reflect educational criteria for the facility
- Deliver customized reports that will include recommendations on: Simulation equipment, Medical equipment, Audio / Visual (AV) equipment and IT
- Information Technology (IT) software and related equipment
Level Three Consulting: Build Out
- Integrate plans for installation of subsystems such as A/V, simulators, learning management systems, and coordinate with all suppliers
- Furnish step-by-step status reports to stakeholders, and manage any agreed change orders during entire construction process
- Walk-through construction completion inspections with client, and document contractor performance to design specifications