Solutions for Pharmacy
Simulate, Educate, Improve
The profession of pharmacy is as exciting as it is interesting! Your learners have embarked on a journey to become part of one of the fastest growing healthcare fields. As key individuals in the healthcare industry with ever increasing challenges and responsibilities, pharmacy technicians continue to excel and adapt to technological change.
Pharmacy faculty, as role models, enable learners to gain knowledge and skills of pharmacy technicians in order to enhance their transition to practice, leading to increased competence and better patient care. As the roles of pharmacy technicians continually evolve, it becomes increasingly important for educational programs to provide innovative curriculum and technology.
KbPort™ curriculum aligns with our various simulated technology, mirroring what learners will encounter in typical pharmaceutical settings, and enables both instructors and learners to collaborate on the important aspects of medication dispensation, hands-on skills, and more.
Recording & Debriefing

Benefits for Pharmacy Solutions
- Innovative, evidence-based curriculum
- Written by professionals in the pharmacy field
- Compatible with SimCabRx™ Pharmacy
- Enriches learning experience
- Engaged learners
- User friendly software
- Clear user interface
- Customizable
- Realistic
- Connects all parts of the simulated environment
- Cost-effective
Solutions for Pharmacy
Simulate, Educate, Improve
The profession of pharmacy is as exciting as it is interesting! Your learners have embarked on a journey to become part of one of the fastest growing healthcare fields. As key individuals in the healthcare industry with ever increasing challenges and responsibilities, pharmacy technicians continue to excel and adapt to technological change.
Pharmacy faculty, as role models, enable learners to gain knowledge and skills of pharmacy technicians in order to enhance their transition to practice, leading to increased competence and better patient care. As the roles of pharmacy technicians continually evolve, it becomes increasingly important for educational programs to provide innovative curriculum and technology.
KbPort™ curriculum aligns with our various simulated technology, mirroring what learners will encounter in typical pharmaceutical settings, and enables both instructors and learners to collaborate on the important aspects of medication dispensation, hands-on skills, and more.
Recording & Debriefing

Benefits for Pharmacy Solutions
- Innovative, evidence-based curriculum
- Written by professionals in the pharmacy field
- Compatible with SimCabRx™ Pharmacy
- Enriches learning experience
- Engaged learners
- User friendly software
- Clear user interface
- Customizable
- Realistic
- Connects all parts of the simulated environment
- Cost-effective