Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer,” because it often has no symptoms, however it can lead to serious health conditions such as a stroke, heart failure, or sudden death. As hypertension is typically diagnosed as part of a doctor visit, it is crucial for blood pressure to be read as accurately as possible.

Blood pressure differs from patient to patient, and each heart beats at a different speed and volume, so it is not possible for blood pressure machines to be completely accurate for every patient. Teaching the basics of taking a manual blood pressure reading, utilizing a traditional blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope, is increasingly important.

When learners have the opportunity to learn through simulation experience and education before working with a live patient, they have strengthened their confidence and knowledge, while mitigating room for error.

Read the full article, Learn more about Learning to Take an Accurate Blood Pressure, at SimTalkBlog.com, Discussions in Healthcare Education from Pocket Nurse®.

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