Getting Started with BPSim™

Accurate blood pressure measurement is considered one of the most crucial of regular medical tests, yet studies indicate the most common method of blood pressure measurement is often inaccurate. These studies have found participant knowledge inadequate in order to properly perform blood pressure measurement, allowing room for an imperative issue: medical error. Errors in

2024-05-22T17:14:24-04:00October 11th, 2018|Analog Sphygmomanometer, BPSim, News, Reviews, Simulators, Tutorials|

2018 OLN Summit

KbPort™ education consultant, Wendeline Grbach, MSN, RN, CLNC, attended the Ohio League for Nursing Education Summit (OLN) on April 5-6, 2018, at Dublin Embassy Suites, in Columbus, Ohio. OLN brought together 170 attendees and 24 vendors to discuss up-and-coming nursing education and practice in a digital world. Wendy focused on KbPort™ PharmTech and Medication

2024-04-01T12:39:04-04:00April 13th, 2018|News, Reviews|