Wallcur® Practi-Meds™ Formulary is Now Available for SimEMR® and MedSkills™ Customers

Wallcur’s complete Practi-Meds® formulary is now available within KbPort’s simulated electronic medical record (EMR/EHR) and medication administration applications. For all new SimEMR® and MedSkills™ customers, the Practi-Meds® formulary will automatically be a part of your purchased product. Existing customers wishing to add the formulary to their product may contact KbPort™ Technical Support for assistance

2024-04-01T12:54:39-04:00September 26th, 2019|EHR, EMR, News, Simulated Electronic Medical Records, Simulation, Simulators, Software|

KbPort™ Welcomes Wallcur® Practi-Meds™

KbPort™ is pleased to announce the availability of Wallcur’s complete Practi-Meds™ formulary within our simulated electronic medical record (EMR/EHR) and medication administration applications. With this addition, SimEMR® and MedSkills™ will now feature the formularies of two industry-leading suppliers of training and simulation products (both SimEMR® and MedSkills™ have contained the Pocket Nurse® Demo Dose®