KbPort is a multimedia software solutions provider, drawing upon 20+ years of AV consulting and technical services experience for medical simulation, industrial manufacturing and military applications.

Realistic Medication Administration with SimCartRx™ Prepares Nursing Students for Clinical Environments

Binghamton University’s Decker School of Nursing continues to enhance learning outcomes by providing its students with the most advanced medication administration training devices on the market. SimCartRx™ is a realistic, medication administration cart that is designed exclusively for training purposes. Actual clinical devices often fail to deliver effective learning opportunities because they are completely

COVID-19 Relief Effort: KbPort™ & Kitware

Dear Members of the Educational Community, As distance learning and online education have become a significant source of education during the COVID-19 pandemic, KbPort™ is partnering with Kitware to promote the Pulse Physiology Suite and demonstrate how it can enhance your use of SimEMR® to train medical professionals. Pulse is a free learning resource

2024-07-29T12:02:55-04:00March 30th, 2020|News, Software|

COVID-19 Medical Simulation Partners

KbPort™ appreciates the overwhelming support we have received from our simulation partners. HealthySimulation.com: A leading simulation resource website has published an extensive list of resources for healthcare educators, that includes links to educational tools from organizations, companies, and worldwide sources. Visit HealthySimulation.com Coronavirus COVID-19 Medical Simulation Resources List for more information. SSiH.org: A non-profit

2020-03-27T13:06:55-04:00March 27th, 2020|News, Software|

KbPort™ COVID-19 Relief Effort

UPDATE: Webinars Tuesdays 2PM Eastern Join us for open SimEMR® & Virtual MedsManager™ training Q&A sessions. Contact responseteam@kbport.com for details. Dear Members of the Educational Community, In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, many educational institutions have been forced to replace in-person instruction with online and alternative learning options.

2024-07-26T17:34:20-04:00March 12th, 2020|Featured, News, Software|

Empowering Research: KbPort™ BioFusion™ Supports a Simulation Stress and Anxiety Study

Audio and video recording and debriefing has been a component of medical simulation training for decades. With recent advances in technology, including rapid growth within the health monitor wearables sector, more and more research studies are beginning to utilize biofeedback devices in conjunction with audio visual systems to capture and evaluate a variety of

2024-03-22T13:08:07-04:00January 21st, 2020|Hardware, News, Software, Uncategorized|

KbPort™ Simplicity7™ Coming Soon!

We are excited to announce the upcoming release of KbPort™ Simplicity7™, the next generation, all-encompassing center management solution designed to streamline data capture and maximize the efficiency of your facility. Automate, track, and report on every aspect of your center’s activity with KbPort™ Simplicity7™. Simplicity7™ removes traditional constraints of center management and operation, offering

Wallcur® Practi-Meds™ Formulary is Now Available for SimEMR® and MedSkills™ Customers

Wallcur’s complete Practi-Meds® formulary is now available within KbPort’s simulated electronic medical record (EMR/EHR) and medication administration applications. For all new SimEMR® and MedSkills™ customers, the Practi-Meds® formulary will automatically be a part of your purchased product. Existing customers wishing to add the formulary to their product may contact KbPort™ Technical Support for assistance

2024-04-01T12:54:39-04:00September 26th, 2019|EHR, EMR, News, Simulated Electronic Medical Records, Simulation, Simulators, Software|

KbPort™ Welcomes Wallcur® Practi-Meds™

KbPort™ is pleased to announce the availability of Wallcur’s complete Practi-Meds™ formulary within our simulated electronic medical record (EMR/EHR) and medication administration applications. With this addition, SimEMR® and MedSkills™ will now feature the formularies of two industry-leading suppliers of training and simulation products (both SimEMR® and MedSkills™ have contained the Pocket Nurse® Demo Dose®

KbPort™ Releases Virtual MedsManager™

KbPort™ Virtual MedsManager™  - virtual medication stocking, dispensing, and administration -- offers all the functionality of KbPort™ MedsManager™ without the need for a physical cart or cabinet. "With a fully virtual solution, learners have the ability to practice medication administration activities anywhere." Virtual MedsManager™ Features

2024-04-01T12:47:46-04:00May 13th, 2019|News, Simulation, Simulators, Software, Virtual MedsManager|